A Year Of Reflection- Questions To Ask Your Kids

I remember a few years back, I was feeling guilt for a few experiences I wish I could have protected my daughter from. Nothing huge or life changing, just things I wish didn’t take place. As I pondered, guilt’d, wanting to rewrite some of history- it hit me like a brick!
I wonder if she remembers, if so how much and does she recall the whole story. As I began to ask myself these questions it was becoming clear the answer was probably not. Every person has their own perspective and the only way I really know is to ask her.

I expanded that idea to included other memories, it really had me thinking. So I came up with a short list of questions to ask my daughter about what SHE remembers- what exactly stood out enough for her to storage in her long term memory?

**What is the BEST thing you remember about last year?

**What is the FUNNIEST thing you remember?

**Tell me something CRAZY you remember!

**Is there anything you think MOMMY could do better?

**Did anything make you really SAD this year?

**What did you do this year that you felt PROUD of yourself?

*Once the discussion begins, you may be surprised what else comes out.

I love that these questions provide a direction but are open enough that your kiddo can expand. I wanted this to spark conversation, so I also shared memories myself.

My daughter loves when I get personal, and she really seems to add “my” memories to her long term to share with me later, hehe 🙂

Hope you enjoy these starter questions, and the cool thing is they can be ask as a reflection on multiple years. Kids really do remember things we may feel is odd and I think it’s always neat to gain insight into their little minds!

Don’t forget to write these down each year as they would be so cool to look back on years down the road!


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