How to create the perfect gift basket!

I love a good gift basket, I mean if I have the chance to whip up a basket for someone or something I am giddy inside. So I thought I would share with you some of my secrets to creating a stellar gift basket.
I’ll start by laying out these easy steps, then I’ll go into more detail.
- Set a budget! By far, this is the hardest step for me but a wise first step!
- Pick a theme.
- Go shopping. You’re looking multiple inexpensive items, a couple more expensive items and one most expensive item.
- While shopping, be looking out for your “basket” This doesn’t have to actually be a basket, but any sort of container than you can put your items into.
- Grab some cellophane and ribbon to complete your gift basket with a beautiful finish.
*Alright, let’s dive into what to buy and how much to spend. The dollar section is your friend. The great thing about a gift basket, it has so many little gifts and goodies that you don’t single out something as “cheap” because it’s presented in a group setting.
Whether your shopping at the Dollar Tree, or the dollar section at Target, you have 2 goals. Buy things that go with your theme, and things that don’t actually look like you spent $1. I like to call these my filler items. Depending on the size of your basket, you may want to spend up to $10 on these small filler items.
*Now, you’re looking for a couple medium sized items. Again, it all depends on your overall budget. I would typically spend anywhere between $3-15 on my medium priced items.
*Next your looking for the star of the show- the one item that you are planning to spend the most on. This could even be the “basket”. Maybe it’s a really nice new pot for them to cook in, or a gift for a meal out.
-If you wanted to instead, you could add 4-5 medium priced items instead of 1 star of the show.
*Find the perfect container. It’s a myth that it has to be a basket! Get creative. What could you get that would go with the theme?
I would buy a tool box for a gift basket for someone who loves tools, garage stuff, new home owner, etc. Or a tackle box filled with goodies for the fisherman. You get the idea, almost anything can become a basket. When all else fails, check the dollar store for an inexpensive small plastic tub that would highlight everything inside. Then spend the money on the items inside.
Now that your shopping is done, lay out your items on the table.
You’ll group the items based on their size.
Prep your basket by lining the inside with filler, I love the dollar store paper shred(I know it must be clear at how much I love the dollar store). They literally have the same stuff as Micheal’s and Walmart for a fraction of the price. I like my money to be spend on the items that the person can enjoy, not the paper shred that will get thrown out 🙂
Grab your biggest items and layer them in the back of the container. Work your way forward with the medium sized items, and then fill in the front with your small things. Now you’ll want to save a few of those small items to tuck in through the basket to complete the “full” look.
Almost done! Have you heard the importance of first impressions??
Wrap that beautiful baby up with clear cellophane. Want to know where I get mine at? Yep, you guessed it… the dollar store. Walmart has the same roll for $4!
Finish the look with a beautiful ribbon tied in a bow. It should look so pretty and professional they may hesitate to even want to open it.
Honestly, I always get compliments on my gift baskets and I’m ONLY saying this because when you give a thoughtful, beautiful gift basket- it shows! The person on the other end can see your effort and really will appreciate your creation.